Sunday, May 22, 2011

Save Me

Vid of the Day.
My favorite song by one of my very favorite bands. I found it fitting ;)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ink & Steel

I read a forum post recently that said those who choose to alter their bodies with tattoos and piercings “make poor life decisions”. My reason for not responding to the post in the forum is that I didn’t find it worthy of a response. However, it did leave me to chew on something a little. Generally I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I respect their opinions (or at the very least, their entitlement to have one) and for some reason I assume that they will respect mine. So instead of lashing out at the poster I chose to reflect, and try to understand this person’s perspective. In doing so, I reached into the caverns of my mind to remember as many points as I could regarding the downsides or negative opinions on the subject. I’ve come up with quite a few. There are more, but I don’t think I will go on. I will respond to each point, however. "People with tattoos and piercings: 
  • don’t consider the consequences of having them done.
    • How can you possibly know this? Having either of these is a big decision; what to get, where to get it, who to have do it, who to have design it, and most importantly….what does this piece mean to me? (These are only a few pieces of how most everyone I know have come to their final decision).
  • won’t ever be able to find a good job.
    • Tattoos and piercings can be irrelevant in the job hunt. However, most people I know have tattoos and piercings as a form of self expression. If they can’t be themselves at work, then who says they WANT that particular job? If a potential employer requires that they not have these, they should step back and ask themselves - do I want to work for someone who frowns upon my self expression even if I’m the most qualified for the job? If they do, then there’s nothing stating they can’t remove their piercings or wear a retainer while at work.
  • are just kids and will regret it once they grow up.
    • Some of them are, yes. And they may regret a piece they had done when they were younger. Fortunately, there are removal or cover options available now. Piercings aren’t permanent unless you’ve stretched them to a considerable gauge. They also may look at this piece that they got so long ago and rather than regret it, look back at a time of their life and use it as a reminder of something in their life at that moment that urged them to get this particular piece. 
  • are “emo” and are rebelling against a troubled home life.
    • This is laughable. I grew up in a very happy home, my parents loved me and though my brother and I didn’t always get along, we didn’t suffer anything more than that of any other normal siblings. I’m happily married with a fun and happy child. I love my life. I’m not “rebelling” against anything.
  • are unintelligent 
    • Not even worthy of a response
  • are attention whores
    • Again, some may be. In my experience though, a tattoo is something very personal for whatever reason. Piercings may or may not be as well. When someone gets a tattoo, its design more often has more to do with what’s going on in their life at that particular moment than it does with getting the attention of others.
  • make poor life decisions
    • This is rather presumptuous isn’t it? While choosing to get a tattoo or piercing may not work for everyone in their walk of life, I hardly think it has anything to do with anybody’s judgment in general on life decisions. Ridiculous.
  • are going to look stupid/silly when they’re old and sagging
    • Aren’t we all? When we’re old, we’ll all sag in places we don’t want to sag. We’ll all have wrinkles and liver spots and scars where we wish we didn’t. Having those wrinkles and sags decorated doesn’t change any of that.
Regardless of any of these points, who are people to judge? Will some with tattoos live to regret some or all of their artwork? Maybe. But that’s their cross to bear; not yours. Will some with facial piercings find it difficult to find work in corporate america? Possibly. Again, that’s their cross to bear; not yours. If you find it disgusting to talk to somebody who has a post in their nostril or septum or eyebrow or lip - then maybe that’s your problem. They could be perfectly interesting, intelligent, wonderful people that you miss out on knowing because your own judgement of others stands between you. I find that very sad. Some of the ugliest, most hateful, nastiest things that I’ve ever heard came out of the mouths of people with no metal in their faces.
I’m 36 years old and I have 3 tasteful tattoos and several piercings; two of them facial. All of them mean very much to me, and I plan on having more artwork done soon. I enjoy the memories and life milestone each and every one represents.
My first tattoo is on my lower back; a “tramp stamp” if you will. I had this done on my 25th birthday in 1999. Several years prior to my first tattoo, I stated to my mother that I wanted one. She gave me the most sound advice I’ve ever had regarding the subject, and I still use it today. Figure out what you want and where you want it. If you still want that same tattoo one year from now, get it. So I did. I was going through a divorce and my best friends bought me a tattoo for my birthday. I got two dolphins playing with sea weed. It represents playfulness - remembering to have fun, whatever life throws at me.
The second tattoo, on my upper back between my shoulder blades, I got in 2004 shortly before my 30th birthday. This is a religious symbol very dear to my heart that represents all things important to me on my spiritual path.
The third tattoo, possibly my favorite, I just got last spring. It’s a dragonfly on the top of my right foot. At the time I had it done, I was embarking on a new adventure; moving across the country. For the first time in my life I would be as far away from “home” as I could possibly get without actually leaving the country. The dragonfly represents change - new beginnings, and the acceptance and embracing of those things. The fact that a good friend of mine designed it certainly makes it even more special.
My piercings all mean something to me as well, though they might not be as important to me. If I find a particular piercing appealing for some reason or other, I don’t care if someone else doesn’t like it. If it looks attractive to me, if I think that it would enhance the part of my body it resides in my eyes, then it’s worth every penny and every pain. It’s even worth being judged by narrower minded people.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I crave popcorn

Thanks to a friend of mine, microwave popcorn will no longer do when I’m having a craving. Now I need to do it “the right way” on the stove top.
I decided I wanted popcorn, and I set off to make some while we watch the hockey game. When I got to the kitchen I noticed that the pot I usually use to make it was dirty, sitting with the rest of the evening dishes. I figured instead of being lazy and only wiping out the one pot, I would take a few extra moments and do all of the dishes from the evening. Among the plates, glasses, silverware and a few pots, there was one pan with melted-on cheese and a casserole dish that had been in the refrigerator and was soaking. Once I spent 20 minutes loading everything into the dishwasher and using elbow grease on the pan and casserole dish, I was all set to go. I washed out the popcorn pot and lid, dried them, and set them on the stove top. I grabbed the popcorn oil and salt. I went to the cupboard for the kernels. There are no kernels. Bummer.
At least my dishes are done.

"It’s never too late to be who you might have been."

~ George Eliot

Monday, May 9, 2011

I’m a big kid now! I have houseplants.
The fact that I kept two poinsettias alive until just a couple of weeks ago (I gave up on them…I won’t do that with these) proved that I was capable of keeping SOMETHING alive in my house other than my child, husband, and two dogs. I’ve been eyeballing orchids over the past few weeks, and Trever noticed this. He and Kiernan went to the nursery at Home Depot and bought me an Orchid plant (w/Bromeliad), a Yucca plant, and a Money Tree. Absolutely gorgeous, all three of them. I’ve never in my life been this excited about a plant, let alone three!
Kiernan also brought me a sunflower Friday, which I planted in front of the house. If I can keep that baby growing, I will truly be impressed with myself. 
I am truly thankful to be so blessed with such a wonderful man and a sweet and thoughtful daughter on Mother’s Day. Life is amazing.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I don’t feel like it’s the celebration of the death of a man so much as it is the sigh of relief when you know that the monster in the closet is gone.