Friday, February 17, 2012

Lobsters and Balloons

I have no's just something my goofy husband says. I figured it would be fitting for a RANDOM BLOG!

My friend Bethany posted one and I thought it looked like fun. Here's the deal - I'm gonna list 11 random things about myself, answer the 11 questions Bethany asked on her blog of randomness, and then ask you 11 random questions, and the the chain continues. Get it? Good. Let's begin.

Eleven Random Things About Me:
1. I'm learning to play the ukulele. My daughter started classes, and when I went to buy her her very own ukulele I fell in love with one and decided that I must have it, and if I must have it, I must play it. I've never played an instrument before, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the time with my daughter when she gives me lessons.
My Uke!
2. I dance. I love all forms of dancing and at one point I've done ballet, tap, modern jazz, and even pointe. However, I discovered belly dancing in 2009 and fell absolutely in love, became obsessed. It's something that I think has always been in my blood; I just never knew it.

3. I have three tattoos and 7 piercings (four of those piercings being in my ear). I would have 8, but my tongue piercing closed up during a shrimp allergy experience. I want another tattoo. And maybe another piercing.

4. When I was a child, I thought being a veterinarian and a vegetarian were mutually exclusive. And I wanted to be one.

5. I'm absolutely, completely, without a cure, obsessed with sports. I can't get enough games, sports news, sports trivia, sports quizzes, sports rumors, sports sports sports...which is probably why I love my job so much working for a sports site. Of course I have my favorites (Seattle Seahawks, Anaheim Ducks, Seattle Mariners - any Seattle sports, really - and Indy Colts) but I'll watch just about anybody.

6. I've been fortunate enough to have road tripped across the entire United States and will do so again this summer, on the Coast Guard's dime. Well, the travel will be on the Coast Guard's dime...the fun stuff is all on us.

7. I don't cry when normal people do. I get the "happy" choked up tears and overwhelmed tears of pride etc. like normal, but tears of sadness don't seem to come at normal times. I didn't cry for three days after my dad died. I was catatonic. But when my 10yo goldfish died, I lost it.

8. I love gadgets and video games. And books.

9. I've recently started making baked goods from scratch, due to a recent gift from my husband for Yule (a KitchenAid). I even purchased a piping bag and want to keep practicing frosting until I get it perfect so I can make my cupcakes look like those on Cupcake Wars.
Will help me make lots of nummies!

10. I can't stop watching the ID channel or reading mystery suspense novels, even though they scare the hell out of me and I lock the house up like a fortress so nobody gets me.

11. I love anything artsy, but I suck at crafts. I write poetry, and I'm actually a decent artist when I try, but I don't have a lot of patience, which is something I've noticed is required of a good crafter.

Answers to Eleven Questions Asked by Bethany:
1. What is your most treasured possession?
I try not to put too much into material things, and I don't have a ton of stuff with much sentimental value because I've had too many things break or get lost over the years and I've tried to distance myself from "possessions" due to that. I would probably say at this point, my car. It gets me where I want to go safely, and it allows me road trips. Going without a car for a couple of years will make you appreciate such things.

2. Coffee or tea?
Coffee for sure - Starbucks Caramel Macchiato to be exact

3. If you could be an extra on any TV show, what show would it be?
Psych - no question

4. what is your favorite way to spend your weekend?
Depends on the season.
Fall and Winter - Saturday with the family doing something outdoorsy or something and then watching Saturday Night Hockey, Sunday watching football all day long and hockey at night.
Summer - out in the sun, on the water, whatever.
Spring - Reading, reading, reading...and sleeping and generally being lazy

5. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Like one meal? Or just one thing? Meal = Steak w/asparagus or steamed veggies, confetti rice, and a salad. Just one thing = Steak

6. what did you want to be when you "grew-up" ?
I wanted to be a dancer and a sports journalist. I guess some dreams don't ever go away

7. what is your favorite childhood memory?
Trips to the Oregon coast with my family...any of them

8. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you live?
Mainland, Florida. I've grown to love it here but I want off the island.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida

9. Traditional books or e-readers? why?
Traditional books for classic novels - because nothing beats the feel and sound of turning a page, the smell of books, etc. I do love my Nook too though - because I can keep a lot of books on it without my husband having to tote heavy boxes all over. I'm always buying new books to read, and a lot of them are just regular fun novels that I will never get rid of and don't like to loan out anyway so I might as well do those on the e-reader. The good stuff though (Harry Potter, Twilight, Narnia, Eragon series, and classics) will remain on my regular bookcase.

10. Favorite flower ?
Any lily will do but specifically the calla

11. Favorite vacation you've ever been on?
Disney World and Universal with my husband, bar none.

Eleven Random Questions You Should Answer:
1. If you could learn how to play an instrument you don't already play, what would it be?

2. You're stranded on a deserted island, with electricity, oddly - what 3 CD's do you want with you?

3. Your favorite article of clothing?

4. All expenses paid trip anywhere in the United States for two weeks - where do you go?

5. Five cars you would like to put in your collector's garage?

6. What's your favorite book?

7. What's your "go-to" potluck dish? (If you don't bring a dish, what do you bring?)

8. If you could afford to give your parents the gift of their dreams, what would it be?

9. You have a surprise extra day off of work - what do you do?

10. Favorite snack?

11. What was your favorite birthday, and why?

Friday, January 20, 2012


I've gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed by fans of the Stephanie Plum books being so closed-minded about this movie! We have to remember that we all have our different interpretations of characters, how they look, etc. and I think that this movie looks like a LOT of fun for even people who've never heard of the books!

I must admit, I'm looking more forward to this movie than I've ever looked forward to any other..including Harry Potters, Twilights, Star Wars, etc. I'm so freaking excited!!

I'd never heard of the dude playing Morelli - but I imagined Daniel Sunjata as Ranger from the minute I started reading the books. And Sherri Shepherd as Lula!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Memories a la Video Blog

A friend of mine did this on another site...I loved it and wanted to do it here. Memories a la video blog...

Send Me an Angel - Real Life:
When I was 13, we moved in to a new house, which had an unfinished basement. I'd recently watched the movie "Rad", which had this song in it. This song will always remind me of doing tricks on my brother's little Mongoos BMX bike down in the basement, listening to this "cassette", being...well...rad.

Beastie Boys - Girls:
Back in my jr. high days, my mother didn't allow "rap" to be played in my house...she specifically didn't want me listening to these guys. While I was a relatively good child and did mostly what my parents told me, this was one area in which I rebelled. I mean c' was the BEASTIE BOYS!

Biz Markie - Just a Friend
My sophomore year in high school our basketball team made it to State. Due to the fact that we had a kickass pep club, the drill team and cheerleaders were allowed to attend and perform between quarters and at halftime. Just a Friend is the anthem for that trip...and sometime I'll have to tell the story about Dennis Blunden asleep in our hotel bathtub, and the basketball coach's poor wife having to sleep on a cot out in the hall in front of our room.

Silly Ho - TLC:

When I first started hanging out with my now husband, he and his friends would tag along every time I wanted to go on a little road trip or just drive around. Usually my cousin sat up front with me while the boys sat in the back. Silly Ho was one of my favorite songs on my "Roadworthy" CD, and those guys would bounce around so much to the music that my little red '98 Honda Civic would literally be rockin'.

This was fun! I'll do another one soon. In the meantime...your turn!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's for Dinner? Garlic Butter & Tomato Roast Chicken Breasts

This was something I threw together spontaneously and it ended up being absolutely delicious. So, while I wrote down the "recipe", I figured I'd share.


  • 4 Chicken Breasts (you could probably use a whole chicken, if that's how you roll)
  • Butter
  • 2 Tbsp. Minced Garlic
  • 1/4 c. Chopped Onions
  • Diced Tomatoes
  • Thyme
  • Table Salt & Pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425
  2. In 9x13 casserole dish, sprinkle salt, pepper, and thyme over both sides of chicken breasts
  3. Also spread butter over both sides of chicken breasts (just a small dab each)
  4. Cover chicken with garlic, onions, and tomatoes
  5. Cover casserole dish with aluminum foil, bake for 20 minutes
  6. Remove aluminum foil, flip breasts over and spoon "sauce" in pan over each breasts, making sure each has plenty of garlic and tomatoes on top
  7. Leave cover off and bake another 10-15 minutes (until chicken is cooked through)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Getting to know Jess from A to Z

As if I'm not already an open's a little more about me for those of you who don't already know it all!

Ambition: To one day own and manage a hockey rink + gear shop with my family in the Pacific Northwest (near Seattle)

Bad Habit: I have a few - procrastination and impulsiveness top the list

City: SEATTLE! OK so I don't live there (yet) but that's where I'll end up eventually. Right now the closest city to me is Miami...which is a pretty cool one too, but if I have to choose one in my current state, I pick Orlando.
Seattle Skyline with Mt. Rainier

Drink of Choice: Sweet Tea - even before I moved south

Education: Edmonds Community College graduate with a few Washington State courses

Favorite Color: Blue

Guilty Pleasure: This is kind of vague. TV= Desperate Housewives; Food = pretty much any junk food - jalapeno Cheetos, Sour Patch Kids, movie theater popcorn, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, pasta...carbs in general. Oh...and Starbucks. Lawd have mercy...

Hometown: ehhhh....I'm not sure which "town" to claim, so I'm just gonna say a little town in North Idaho
Bumblebee Campground - About 15 miles from where I grew up

Look-a-Like: I've been told Holly Marie Combs, but I think they were high. I'm pretty original plain, and I'm cool with that.

Must-have Fashion Item: Melodia pants, DC shoes, cute hats for bad hair days.

Nickname: Jessmica (Trev only), Wish (select friends), Jessie (my brother and a couple of other select friends only), and my mom called me Gertie when I was little. I have no idea why, other than she knew I hated it.

Obsession: Sports (specifically Seahawks football and Ducks hockey), belly dancing, a few bands, and lately - Disney

Phobias or Fears: Snakes, worms, slugs - and the sun exploding. Shaddup.

Quote: I love so many, but one of my favorites is: I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. ~Kurt Cobain

Regret: Honestly can't think of one...I don't like to dwell on things I should or shouldn't have done - my past mistakes have made me who I am today, helped me learn and grow...and I love my life, even if I keep making mistakes.

Starbucks: Caramel Macchiato - with an occasional Pumpkin Spice, Ginger, or Eggnog latte around the holidays.

Thrift Find of the Year: It's sad that I can't think of anything here. I don't shop much, and when I do, I'm not all that thrifty.

University: Washington State

Vegetable You Don't Like: Do olives or mushrooms count? Those are the only things close to vegetables that I can think of that I don't like.

Wine: usually Pinot Noir, but I do like the occasional after-dinner Moscato now and then. I prefer a sweet mead for that, though.

X-Rays: Dental of course, spinal, knees, wrists, and ankle. I won't get into the reasoning for the wrist and ankle.

Years: of what? 10 kickass wedded ones, 11.5 attached, 10 wonderful mommy ones, 2 amazing shimmy ones, more than 20 crazy fan ones....37 learning, teaching, leading, following, memory making ones all together.

Zodiac Sign: I'm a lioness, baby ...
I am Leo, hear me roar!
Now you...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vid of the Day: First Date

I'm so excited that it's Wednesday...and I'll be on my way to see these guys in two days. With new crazy hair and beautimus nails.

You might think by my excitement that I've never been to a concert before...but I've been to so many I probably couldn't even remember everybody I've seen without my ticket stubs there. (I worked for a car dealership that sold a LOT of GM's and Chrysler products...they hosted a lot of events, so I got free tickets frequently). I've seen some of my favorites, some multiple times - like Matchbox Twenty, Sugar Ray, Paramore, No Doubt, Goo Goo Dolls, Everclear, even Boyz II Men, TLC,  and so many more. I even got to take my dad to see his favorite band, Boston, when he was still alive...and I've been to a lot of concert weekend "events" that featured multiple bands. I love going to live shows, and Blink is only about about a half a step down from my very favorite, Green Day - who I haven't seen live (yet). Maybe one thing that thrills me about this one is that I'll be going with my husband and daughter - I've never been to a show with him, and she's never been to a show, period. GO BLINK! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vid of the Day: The countdown begins!

It's Tuesday. By this time on Friday I'll be on my way up to West Palm Beach to see these guys in person. BooYAH!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Song of the Day: More Than You'll Ever Know

Beautiful. I'm so glad these guys are back.

I'm not necessarily a hopeless romantic, but it's refreshing to hear a new "classic" love song by some amazing R&B artists without it being all about sex.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Song of the Day: Dumpweed

In less than a month, I get to go see these guys in West Palm Beach. Whoo Hoo!!