Monday, May 9, 2011

I’m a big kid now! I have houseplants.
The fact that I kept two poinsettias alive until just a couple of weeks ago (I gave up on them…I won’t do that with these) proved that I was capable of keeping SOMETHING alive in my house other than my child, husband, and two dogs. I’ve been eyeballing orchids over the past few weeks, and Trever noticed this. He and Kiernan went to the nursery at Home Depot and bought me an Orchid plant (w/Bromeliad), a Yucca plant, and a Money Tree. Absolutely gorgeous, all three of them. I’ve never in my life been this excited about a plant, let alone three!
Kiernan also brought me a sunflower Friday, which I planted in front of the house. If I can keep that baby growing, I will truly be impressed with myself. 
I am truly thankful to be so blessed with such a wonderful man and a sweet and thoughtful daughter on Mother’s Day. Life is amazing.

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