Friday, April 1, 2011

Random Facts

~ I prefer 1ltr bottles of Pepsi to cans, 20oz, and 2ltr, and can make one last for 2 days. Fountain is my favorite but only when it’s mixed perfectly.
~ I hate anything touching my throat…therefore, zip hoodies > pullovers. Otherwise I yank at the neck and stretch them out.
~ I have higher self esteem than people think I do. I tend to point out any flaws I think others may see in me before they can. It hurts less when I say it, especially if I don’t necessarily believe it. Recently I’ve realized that this defense mechanism has also made made me seem to have no confidence, and that’s just not sexy - so I’m working on it.
~ I have hypochondriac tendencies.
~ Sweets are a security blanket. I buy large quantities so I won’t run out, eat them slowly, and stash them. I often forget I have anything and don’t find it until months later and have to throw it out.
~ If something isn’t done on a whim, I often back out.
~ I’m not diggin’ the Grey’s Anatomy musical episode.
Your turn…

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