Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Who the eff cares? Seriously. I cannot get excited about the draft, considering there could realistically be yet another one before we even get an NFL season. Five days until the NFL draft, and there hasn’t been one word yet on NFL labor discussions. And even if they do get something settled before the season, I’m so pissed off right now about the whole thing I just have an attitude and don’t want to hear it. I miss football, so bad that it literally makes me sad, but until this issue is solved, I don’t want to hear anything else about it. I don’t want to hear about the owners wanting safety for the players. I don’t want to hear about who the best QB in this year’s draft is. I don’t give two shits about next year’s schedule, or the fact that Vince Young could end up back with the Titans now that Jeff Fisher is gone or that Matt Hasselbeck wants to be in Seattle for the duration of his career, molding a young new guy. I don’t want to read about anything but this nonsense being resolved. So until then, do us all a favor ESPN, NFL Network, Yahoo Sports, et al. and STFU about the NFL.

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