Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Vid of the Day

This song means so much to me, for many different reasons. Though the actual interpretation of it (which I assume comes down to a breakup song) doesn't really go with anything in my life except maybe the very beginning of my discovery of the song. However, there are other things about it that make me nostalgic, sooth me, and speak to me. I first started listening to Sixteen Stone when I was in the middle of my divorce, and just enjoyed this song immensely then - I recognized it from somewhere but I couldn't place it. Eventually I realized that it was the song my brother would pluck along on his guitar occasionally. A couple of years after my divorce, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. My brother moved in with my parents to help, and I can still vividly remember sitting around their house just spending time together, with my brother playing Glycerine and my dad just enjoying the beautiful mellow notes. Several years later, my husband has been learning to play guitar as well; acoustic and electric, and he plays this song (among other favorites of mine) often. I can never get enough.

Not to mention Gavin's voice is absolutely effing amazing.

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